Contact Us Back to Artists "The New World Record" THE ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA "EXPERIENCE" ("The New World Record") ''PROMO" "PROMO 2" Evil Woman TELEPHONE LINE Turn to Stone Configuration error: The attribute change_iframe_links has to have at least the same amount of value separated by | as change_iframe_links_target and change_iframe_links_href. Please read the documentation for details It's a Livin' Thing Don't Bring Me Down Sweet Talkin Woman Mr. Blue Sky Telephone Line Agua Caliente Casino Can't Get you Outta My Head Rockaria Roll Over Beethoven Showdown Mr. Blue Sky Back-Line (Click Below) Stage Plot (Click Below) Input List (Click Below) Input list 2 (Click Below) Tech Rider (Click below) Visit our website Visit our website Visit our website Visit our website Visit our website "The Best in World Class Quality Entertainment" If you would like to learn more about booking one or more of our incredible Shows feel free to contact us by Phone or E-mail. Adam Michaels Avenue of The Stars Entertainment (310)994-1307